Dr Robert Hendry (UK)
Robert was born and brought up in Glasgow and studied medicine at Dundee University. After graduating in 1981 he undertook a number of hospital appointments before becoming a partner in an urban teaching practice in Dundee in 1986. He developed an interest in medical law and completed an MPhil in Law and Ethics in Medicine at Glasgow University in 1992. Having done some consultancy work for the Medical Protection Society and having taught parttime at Dundee University, he took up a permanent appointment as a medicolegal adviser with the Medical and Dental Defence Union of Scotland in 1996 and remained there until he moved to the Medical Protection Society to set up their Edinburgh office in 2009.
Robert is a Foundation Fellow of the Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine and continues to have an interest in teaching, having honorary positions at a number of universities. He has an interest in mediation and has served on a number of governmental working parties looking at alternative approaches to dispute management. Having completed his MBA at Strathclyde University Graduate Business School in 2001 he has continued to develop his business interests. In 2011 he was appointed Deputy Medical Director and in 2013 became Medical Director of the Medical Protection Society and is currently responsible for medicolegal services delivered by the Medical Protection Society to its members worldwide.
Dr Michael Fong (Australia)

Dr. Michael Fong is a neurologist and sub-specialty epilepsy physician in Sydney, Australia. Following completion of his epilepsy training in Australia, Dr Fong was awarded the Critical Care/ICU EEG fellowship at Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT, USA. Dr Fong is trained in all aspects of epilepsy and EEG. He is involved in the care of patients with drug-resistant epilepsy, including intracranial EEG monitoring and neuromodulation. He has specific training in status epilepticus and is a co-author of the ACNS standarized critical care EEG terminology 2021, as well as Hirsch and Brennar’s Atlas of EEG in Critical Care second edition. Dr Fong holds positions of Clinical Lecturer with the University of Sydney and Assistant Professor Adjunct with the Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA.
Dr M N Chidananda Swamy (Brunei)
Dr. M N Chidananda Swamy had his primary training in medicine at Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore affiliated to Mangalore University in 1985. Following this served in the Indian Air Force as Short Service Commissioned Medical Officer from 1987 to 1992. Later he joined Armed Forces Medical College, Pune for postgraduate training in Anesthesiology from 1993 to 1996. On completion of the basic training, he joined National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) for further training in Neuro Anaesthesiology and Neurocritical Care from 1996 to 1999. During this period, he also completed one year Post-Doctoral Course in Neuroanaesthesiology. Continuing his penchant for learning he also completed MBA in Health Care Services from Sikkim Manipal University in 2008. In 2008 visited Asan Medical Centre, Seoul, South Korea for fellowship training in Liver Transplant Anaesthesia. On completion of Neuroanaesthesiology training joined JJM Medical College, Davangere as faculty in Anaesthesiology and served as post graduate teacher affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, from June 2000 to Sept 2007. From 2007 to Mar 2014 worked in BGS Global Hospitals, Bangalore as Senior Consultant in Anaesthesiology and Critical Care and was instrumental in establishing and building up the department of repute. During this period he was also instrumental in successfully establishing the Multi Organ Transplant programme at BGS Global Hospitals, Bangalore.
Jacqueline Morano (United States)

Dr Sarah Lee (United States)

Dr. Lee is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Neurology at Stanford University Medical Center and serves as director of the Pediatric Stroke Program at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital and Associate Director of the Young Adult Stroke Program at Stanford. Dr. Lee is board-certified in child neurology as well as vascular neurology and attends on both the adult stroke and the pediatric neurology services. Her primary clinical focus involves optimizing diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation for pediatric and young adult stroke patients. Research areas of interest include advanced neuroimaging techniques and hyperacute therapies in pediatric stroke.
Dr Phan Huu Phuc (Vietnam)
Dr. Phuc Huu Phan completed his residency program in Pediatrics in Hanoi, Vietnam and then pursued his career in pediatric critical care medicine. He obtained his PhD in Clinical Epidemiology from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston in 2012. Currently, he serves as Deputy Head, Medical Intensive Care Unit of Vietnam National Children’s Hospital in Hanoi. His current duties involve direct patient care, teaching, and research. His research interests include clinical & epidemiology of sepsis/septic shock, acute respiratory distress syndrome, pediatric tuberculosis, and critical infectious diseases in children.
Dr Deepak Sharma (United States)

Deepak Sharma, M.D., is chief of Neuroanesthesia & Perioperative Neuroscience at UW Medicine. Dr. Sharma is also UW’s Virginia & Prentice Bloedel Endowed Professor of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine and a professor of Neurological Surgery.
Dr. Sharma is expert in anesthesia for intracranial and spine surgery as well as interventional neuroradiology. Dr. Sharma strives to provide evidence-based, patient-centered care with a focus on patient safety. He creates active partnerships with his patients to achieve the best possible outcomes.
Dr. Sharma received his medical education in India. His clinical interests include neuroanesthesiology, perioperative neurosciences, stroke, and traumatic brain injury. His research interests include traumatic brain injury, stroke, transcranial Doppler ultrasonography, cerebrovascular reactivity, and education in anesthesiology. He serves on the board of directors of the Society for Neuroscience in Anesthesiology & Critical Care and multiple national committees for Neuroanesthesia.
Erik Jensen Weber (Spain)
Erik has a long track of publications and research within the biomedical engineering area. He did his master in biomedical engineering at Strathclyde University, where he developed new methods for the analysis of the Auditory Evoked Potentials and EEG. He holds an honours engineering degree from the Technical University of Denmark. He completed a PhD in medicine at the department of anaesthesia of the University of Southern Denmark.
Erik has filed several patents and has been published widely and presents internationally in the field of research and technology in anaesthesia. He is currently an external supervisor at the Centre of Research in Biomedical Engineering, Technical University Barcelona, Spain.
Erik is a reviewer for Anaesthesia & Analgesia, Anesthesiology, British Journal of Anaesthesia and Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. He is collaborating with researchers at Hospital Clinic Barcelona, University Medical Center Groningen, Prince of Wales Hospital Hong Kong, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center USA.
Balachandran Jayachandran (Singapore)

Dr Chor Yek Kee (Malaysia)
Dr Chor Yek Kee is Paediatric Intensivist from Sarawak General Hospital, Malaysia. His interest is point of care ultrasound and renal replacement therapy in Paediatric Intensive Care Unit.
Dr Hoo Fan Kee (Malaysia)

Associate Professor Dr. Hoo Fan Kee is a neurologist, general physician and senior lecturer at the University Putra Malaysia. He obtained his Doctor of Medicine (MD) from the University Sains Malaysia in 2006 and Membership of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom (MRCP) in 2012. He is currently Chairman of Malaysian Stroke Council. He has published numerous original papers in stroke, hypertension and general medicine. He has involved in many trials of newer treatment (e.g., Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source, IV tranexamic acid for spontaneous intracranial bleeding) in stroke.
Dr David T. Highton (Australia)
David is a staff specialist at the Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane with a sub-specialist interest in neuroanaesthesia and an established research track record in perioperative neurosciences. He trained in New Zealand and the United Kingdom, dual qualifying in ICU and anaesthesia including neuroanaesthesia, neurocritical care and PhD at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery and Institute of Neurology, University College London.
Presently David serves on the Australia and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists CTN executive, The Journal for Neurosurgical Anesthesiology editorial board, Neuroanaesthesia SIG executive committee and the Society for Neuroscience in Anesthesiology and Critical Care academic affairs committee.
Asst Prof Dr Francisco Perez (United States)

Dr. Perez is a pediatric neuroradiologist and physician-scientist in the Department of Radiology at Seattle Children’s Hospital and the University of Washington School of Medicine where he serves as the director of pediatric neuroimaging. He completed his MD, PhD, diagnostic radiology residency, neuroradiology fellowship, and pediatric radiology fellowship at the University of Washington. Through strong, collaborative partnerships with his clinical colleagues in neurology, neurosurgery, and neurocritical care, he strives to accurately diagnose children suffering from neurological disorders using neuroimaging to guide optimal treatment. Dr. Perez has diverse clinical research interests including developing imaging biomarkers in the setting of neuroinflammatory pediatric stroke.
Assoc Prof Dr Gan Chin Seng (Malaysia)
Dr. Gan Chin Seng is a consultant paediatrician, paediatric intensivist and an associate professor at Department of Paediatrics, University of Malaya (UM) and the University of Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC). Dr Gan joined University of Malaya since 2007. He has been working in paediatric ICU since then. He did two years of clinical fellowship in PICU at Birmingham Children Hospital in the UK from 2012 to 2014.
His areas of expertise are in general paediatrics, paediatric & neonatal critical care in both medical and surgical related conditions. He is also a national trainer of APLS. His research interest includes conditions such as congenital diaphragmatic hernia, HIE, meconium aspiration syndrome, congenital pneumonia, acute lung injury/ acute respiratory distress syndrome, hospital acquired infection, paediatric and neonatal resuscitation, upper airway obstruction, severe bronchial asthma, paediatric sepsis and dengue. He has been invited to speak and share on his key areas of expertise at various conferences and scientific meetings.
Assoc Prof Dr Varina Boerwinkle (United States)
Varina Boerwinkle, MD, is the Chief of Child Neurology of University of North Carolina, Director of Pediatric Neurocritical Care, and Director of the Boerwinkle Clinical and Research Resting State fMRI Services. She is the Pediatric Chair of the Neurocritical Care Society and United States National Institutes of Neurological Disorders Working Committee of the Curing Coma Campaign Common Data Elements Effort. Her work focuses on applying advanced markers of consciousness in acute brain injury and localizing seizure onset zones via resting state fMRI in children with epilepsy. Also, her team has shown that fMRI is associated with outcomes in neonates with acute brain injury.
Dr Yap Hsiao Ling (Malaysia)
Dr Yap is a Paediatrician who subspecialises in Paediatric Emergency Medicine. She is currently working at the Paediatric Emergency Department of Hospital Tunku Azizah (formerly known as Women and Children’s Hospital Kuala Lumpur), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
She graduated from University of Sciences Malaysia in 2002, became a paediatrician in 2011 and completed a fellowship in Paediatric Emergency Medicine in 2017 at The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada.
She is passionate to create a safe environment for children who needs emergency care. She believes it can be achieved by protocol development and training. Hence, she is an instructor for many Life Support courses for healthcare providers and public, including Basic Life Support, Advanced Paediatric Life Support, Neonatal Resuscitation Programme, Advanced Trauma Life Support, Paediatric Pre-Hospital Care Life Support Course, and Paediatric Emergency Room and Critical Care Ultrasound Course (PERCUSS). She is also involved in writing as well as reviewing a few Malaysian CPGs & protocols, including Paediatric Protocols for Malaysian Hospitals 4th Edition, Paediatric Asthma, Paediatric Dengue and Paediatric Pain management. Amongst her areas of interest are simulation based education, Point of Care Ultrasound and application of evidence-based medicine via research and audit. She is equally passionate in promoting public awareness on injury prevention and emergency situations in children.
Dr Wan Aizat binti Wan Zakaria (Malaysia)

Dr Lee Pei-Chuen (Malaysia)
Graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) degree in 2001 and joined medical services with the Ministry of Health in the same year. She received the Master of Medicine (Paediatrics) degree from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in 2012. In the same year, she joined UKM Medical Center (UKMMC) as a Paediatrician. She developed a special interest in Paediatric Intensive Care during the masters program and pursued onto the path after her postgraduation. After undergoing the Paediatric Critical Care training rotations in UKMMC and the National Heart Institute (IJN) in Malaysia, she went on for a year of fellowship in the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children in London. During her year in London, she had also successfully obtained the Membership of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (MRCPCH). She was gazetted as a Paediatric Intensivist in 2017.
Prof Dato Dr Raymond Ali (Malaysia)

Dr Todd Abruzzo (United States)

Assoc Prof Dr Soojin Park (United States)
Dr. Soojin Park is an Associate Professor of Neurology (in Biomedical Informatics) at Columbia University, and directs the Program for Hospital and Intensive Care Informatics. She is the Program Director for Fellowship Training in Neurocritical Care at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital (Columbia and Cornell), an Associate Editor for Neurocritical Care, and a Board Trustee of the Neurocritical Care Foundation. Her research is supported by the US National Institute of Neurologic Disorders and Stroke. It focuses on the development and clinical evaluation of predictive models to improve timeliness and precision of management in neurocritical care, using physiologic monitors and digitized medical record data.
Dr Goh Chin Hwee (Malaysia)

Dr Arfah Hanim (Malaysia)

Dr. Arfah Hanim Mohamad is originally from Seremban, Negeri Sembilan and obtained her medical degree (MD) at University Putra Malaysia. Earlier in her career, she was posted at Hospital Tuanku Jaafar Seremban and subsequently at a district hospital in Port Dickson. She completed her training in Masters of Anaesthesiology at University of Malaya in 2017 and currently an Anaesthesiologist in Hospital Kuala Lumpur and a Neuroanaesthesia and Trauma Fellowship Trainee.
Dr Arfah Hanim is also a clinical specialist in Anaesthetic Allergy clinic in Malaysia and currently appointed in Counselling programme, Program Pembimbing Perkhidmatan Awam (AKRAB) to fascilitate and promote mental health in the department.
Besides anaesthetic practice, she is a National Staff Officer (Medical) for St John Ambulance Malaysia in which she handles the medical issues and related duties.
In her spare time, she enjoys playing the piano, reading fictional books and playing with her cats.
Assoc Prof Sapna Kudchadkar (United States)
Sapna Kudchadkar is Vice Chair of Pediatric Anesthesiology and Critical Care at Johns Hopkins Hospital and Anesthesiologist-in-Chief of the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center. An Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Pediatrics, and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, her research focuses on the interplay of delirium, sedation, sleep and early mobility on outcomes in critically ill children. She is the Senior Associate Editor of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine and on the International Advisory Board for Lancet Child and Adolescent Health. Dr. Kudchadkar is the Principal Investigator of a 10-site stepped wedge cluster RCT of the PICU Up! Early Mobility Program, which has been adapted in pediatric ICUs globally.
Assistant Prof Dr Rahul Rathakrishnan (Singapore)
Rahul Rathakrishnan is a Senior Consultant in the Division of Neurology at the National University Hospital (NUH) in Singapore.
He completed his undergraduate training at the University of Southampton in the UK, and registered with the Specialist Accreditation Board (Neurology) in Singapore in 2007. From 2008–2009, he was a Visiting Scholar with the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital Epilepsy and EEG Unit in Canada. Dr Rathakrishnan currently leads the epilepsy and EEG program at NUH. He received the ‘NUH Quality Improvement Project Merit Award’ for the fast-track assessment and outpatient service for patients with possible new onset seizures.
Dr Rathakrishnan is actively involved in education and training at NUH, and is currently the Program Director for the Neurology Senior Residency Program. His research interests are in advanced EEG techniques and has published in peer-reviewed journals, including Neurocritical Care, Neurology, Seizure, Journal of Clinical Neuroscience and Epilepsia.
Dr Wong Yu Lin (Singapore)
After her basic MBBS degree, she is dually accredited for anaesthesia (MMed Anaesthesia Singapore) and (ANZCA Australia). followed by Intensive Care Medicine Subspecialty accreditation (ICM Singapore).
Dr. Wong is currently the NICU director in Tan Tock Seng Hospital, as well as chair the hospital Brain death Workgroup and Organ Transplant Improvement Programme.
She has an interest in sedation and delirium in ICU and Palliative care in ICU.
She has had research grants for ICU projects including ICU diary, virtual reality rehabilitation in ICU, palliative care in ICU, and non verbal communication tools in ICU. Currently, they will be embarking on Platelet mapping studies for NICU patients on antiplatelet therapy who present with ICH.
Publications include Singapore SPICE: sedation practices in ICU evaluation in Singapore, Sedation Intensity in the first 48 hours of mechanical Ventilation, Integrating Palliative Care in Neurosurgical ICU, Physiological Changes during Prone posiyioning in COVID-19 Acute respiratory Distress syndrome, challenges in adapting exisiting hyperacute stroke protocols in Singapore for COVID-19.
Asst Prof See Kay Choong (Singapore)
See Kay Choong
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine
Senior Consultant, Division of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, University Medicine Cluster, National University Hospital, Singapore
Assoc Prof Dr Anis Siham Zainal Abidin (Malaysia)

Dr Anis graduated with Bachelor in Medicine and Bachelor in Surgery (MBBS) in 2002 and Master of Paediatrics in 2010 at University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. She started her professional training in Paediatric Intensive Care (PICU) at University Malaya Medical Centre, Institute of Paediatrics Kuala Lumpur and National Heart Institute (IJN) Malaysia from 2012 till 2014. She continued her training in PICU in Birmingham Children’s Hospital, United Kingdom from November 2014 till May 2015.
She came back to Malaysia in 2015 and became the head of Paediatric Department in University Technology MARA (UiTM) from 2015 till date. She planned the departmental activities and coordinated the infrastructure development of the new University Hospital (Hospital Pengajar UiTM). She started the new ‘Master in Paediatric’ programme in UiTM and designed the first national ‘Doctorate in Paediatrics’ programme for training of paediatricians in the country. She has made visits to the Royal Children Hospital, University of Melbourne and Monash Medical Centre with the intent of collaboration and transfer of knowledge in October 2019. She is currently working closely with both world- renowned children hospital for further international collaboration and links.
Prof Dr Bruce Campbell (Australia)

Dr Barney Scholefield (United Kingdom)
Dr Barney Scholefield is an NIHR Clinician Scientist at the University of Birmingham, UK and Consultant in paediatric intensive care at Birmingham Children’s Hospital.
He leads a neuro-critical care research programme (NEUROPACK) focused on the neuro-monitoring, neuro-protection and neuro-prognostication after cardiac arrest and acquired brain injury. He is also the recent Chair of the UK wide Paediatric Critical Care Society Study Group (PCCS-SG) and neuro-critical care section of the European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal intensive care.
Assoc Prof Dr See Jee Jian (Singapore)

Graduated with MBBS from the National University of Singapore in 1995 and obtained his post-graduate Masters of Medicine (Anaesthesia) from NUS Graduate School of Medical Studies (Singapore) in 2001.
He has a special interest in neuroanaesthesia and was appointed Visiting Professor to the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada and has an appointment as external faculty for Program Pendidikan Konsultan Neuroanesthesia Universitas Padjajaran, Indonesia. He is currently the Deputy Chief Examiner for the Anaesthesiology Exams (Singapore) and was invited as the external Examiner for Intermediate Fellowship Examinations, HK College of Anaesthesiologists. He was also invited as ad-hoc reviewer of a number of local and international publications.
He currently an advisor to TTSH ERAS Taskforce and is the Chairman of the Project Implementation Workgroup for High field Intraoperative MRI OT. He chairs the clinical competency committee in the NHG Anaesthesiology Residency program.
Prof Dr Girija Prasad Rath (India)

Assoc Prof Dr Lee Jan Hau (Singapore)

Dr Laila Ab Mukmin (Malaysia)
Dr. Laila Ab Mukmin is a Consultant Anesthesiologist at Universiti Sains Malaysia. She specializes in Anesthesiology, Critical Care as well as Neuro Anesthesiology. She obtained her Medical Degree in 2003 at Nagoya Universiti, Japan and went on to complete her Master of Anaesthesiology in 2011 at Universiti Sains Malaysia. In 2021, she had the privilege to undergo her Neuroanesthesiology fellowship at Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Assoc Prof Dr Alana Flexman (Canada)
Dr. Alana Flexman is an anesthesiologist at St. Paul’s Hospital/Providence Health Care a clinical associate professor in the UBC Department of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology and Therapeutics and an affiliated scientist with the Centre for Health Evaluation and Outcome Sciences at St. Paul’s Hospital. After finishing anesthesia residency at UBC, she completed a fellowship in neuroanesthesia at the University of California San Francisco. She is the President-Elect for the Society for Neuroscience in Anesthesiology and Critical Care, the past-chair of the Neuroanesthesia Section of the Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society. Dr. Flexman currently serves as is an Associate Editor at the Journal for Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, and her research currently focuses on perioperative stroke and brain health.
Assoc Prof Dr Shailesh Bihari (Australia)

Dr Hari Krishnan (United Kingdom)
Hari Krishnan is a consultant paediatric intensivist at Birmingham Children’s Hospital, UK and a clinical advisor to UK PICANet (paediatric intensive care national audit). He has a special interest in neurocritical care, informatics and education. His educational initiatives include PICUJournalWatch website, twitter account and PICCHub app- sponsored by UK PCCS. He is the lead editor for textbook Challenging concepts in paediatric critical care. His neurocritical care research work includes evaluation of cerebral autoregulation and multimodal neuromonitoring in PICU. He has published >30 papers in leading journals such as ICM, PCCM, Lancet Child, JAMA Pediatrics etc.
Dr Foong Kit Weng (Malaysia)

Prof Dr Arun Bansal (India)

Dr Adrian Wong (United Kingdom)
Adrian has been a consultant in anaesthesia & intensive care since 2015 and is a currently a consultant at King’s College Hospital, London.
Within the field of ultrasound, he has interested in training/accreditation, measurements of organ perfusion and right heart imaging. His other research interest includes clinical governance and safety, medical education and burnout/well-being amongst medical professionals.
He is a member of the Intensive Care Society FUSIC Committee, sits on the ESICM Executive Committee and an examiner for the European Diploma of Intensive Care Medicine. He is the chair of the Social Media and Digital Content Committee of the ESICM. He is on the executive committee of the International Fluid Academy.
Dr Pon Kah Min (Malaysia)

She attained her undergraduate degree at University of Malaya and completed her PICU subspecialty training after 2 years of training in Malaysia and 1 year training at Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Australia.
She is currently the Paediatric Resuscitation Subcommittee of National Committee On Resuscitation Training. She is actively involved in paediatric resuscitation training including APLS and PLS courses.
She is a member of Paediatric Intensive Care Educational Subcommittee of Malaysia Medical Council.
Dr Jeyaganesh Veerakumaran (Malaysia)
Dr Jeyaganesh Veerakumaran completed his undergraduate education MBBS at the University of West Indies in 1999, than furthered his education by doing Master in Anaesthesiology from the National University of Malaysia in 2009. In 2017 he completed his Fellowship in Neuroanaesthesia from the Indian Society of Neuroanaesthesia and Critical Care. Through out his carrier he held various positions at hospitals in East and West Malaysia. He is currently working as Clinical Consultant in the Department of Anaesthesia University Malaya Medical Centre. He has a special interest in image guided minimally invasive surgery and motorsport medicine.
Dr Tan Wei Keang (Malaysia)

Prof Dr Tang Swee Fong (Malaysia)

Dr Tang is also the Vice-President of the Malaysian Society of Intensive Care and Secretary of the Malaysian Paediatric Association. She was a core member of the National Paediatric Curriculum Writing Group and a member of the Medical Education Subcommittee in the Malaysian Medical Council.
Dr. Tai Chian Wern (Malaysia)

Dr Samuel Tsan (Malaysia)

Dr Samuel Ern Hung Tsan is a clinical lecturer and anaesthesiologist at the University of Malaysia Sarawak. He completed his Master of Anaesthesiology with Distinction from University of Malaya, and is also a Fellow with the College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland. His research interest lies in neuroanaesthesia and neurocritical care, airway management, and mental health. He is a keen researcher and in addition to authoring publications in international peer reviewed journals, he is involved in international multicentre clinical trials such as POISE-3. He is also passionate about teaching and training the next generation of doctors, hence his calling to be a lecturer. On the international stage, Dr Tsan has represented Malaysia by being the recipient of the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists Scholarship to attend the 17th WFSA World Congress of Anaesthesiologists 2021.
Prof Dr M. Jayashree (India)

Dr Leong Kok Weng (Malaysia)

Dr. Leong Kok Weng is a neuroanaesthesiologist in Tunku Abdul Rahman Neuroscience Institute (IKTAR) – the premier neurosurgical centre in Malaysia. He obtained his Medical Degree in 2008, & went on to complete his Masters of Anaesthesiology in 2016. In 2019, he had the privilege to undergo his neuroanaesthesia fellowship in Toronto Western Hospital, one of world’s top neuroscience centre, where he has worked with many pioneers in neurosurgery & neuroanaesthesia. He is widely published – where his publications include several scientific researches in high impact journals, hospital protocols, as well as preparatory books for anaesthesiology exams; he has also spoken in several regional conferences. His interests are intraoperative neuromonitoring, anaesthesia for awake craniotomy & functional neurosurgery, as well as stroke embolectomy.
Assoc Prof Dr Laura Hemmer (United States)
Dr. Hemmer is a Neuroanesthesiologist and an Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Neurological Surgery at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago. She completed her Anesthesiology Residency and Neurosurgical Anesthesiology Fellowship at Northwestern and has been on faculty at Northwestern since 2009. Dr. Hemmer is particularly interested in neurophysiological monitoring from the anesthesia perspective. She has given multiple workshops and panels at the Society for Neuroscience in Anesthesiology and Critical Care (SNACC) and American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Annual Meetings as well as lectured internationally and published on neuromonitoring topics. She holds leadership roles within some subspecialty medical societies, including SNACC the American Society of Neurophysiological Monitoring (ASNM). Within ASNM, she currently is the elected President of the society, and she has been on the Board of Directors since 2015.
Dr. Justin Wang Qi Yuee (Malaysia)
Justin currently works as a Consultant Paediatric Intensivist and lecturer at the University Malaya Medical Centre in Kuala Lumpur. He completed his paediatric intensive care training at Birmingham Children’s Hospital in 2017 and was a clinical fellow at the Royal Brompton Hospital before becoming a PICU consultant in Birmingham in 2018. He previously worked as a PICU fellow in Evelina London. He returned to Malaysia in 2019 and in the same year joined Gift of Life International, volunteering as a paediatric intensivist in the paediatric cardiac surgery mission in the Philippines. He holds a Masters degree in Gene and Cell Therapy from University College London.
Assoc Prof Dr. John Patrick F. Bebawy (United States)
John F. Bebawy, M.D., is an Associate Professor of Anesthesiology & Neurological Surgery at Northwestern University. His clinical, educational, and research interests and expertise relate to Neuroanesthesia, with a focus on interventions that affect cerebral blood flow and cerebrovascular hemodynamics. Dr. Bebawy completed his Anesthesiology residency and Neurosurgical Anesthesiology fellowship training at Northwestern in 2008, where he is currently Section Chief of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology and Program Director of the Neurosurgical Anesthesiology Fellowship Program. He is currently the Vice President for Education and Scientific Affairs of the Society for Neuroscience in Anesthesiology and Critical Care (SNACC), serves on the Neuroanesthesia Program Relations (NPR) Committee of the International Council on Perioperative Neuroscience Training (ICPNT), is a member of many national and international societies for the advancement of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, has published widely on various topics in the field, and has spoken at many meetings throughout the world on areas within his expertise. Dr. Bebawy is devoted and committed to the betterment of patient safety through individualized and compassionate clinical care, as well as through his contribution to the scientific community.
Prof Elizabeth (Betsy) Zink (United States)
Elizabeth (Betsy) Zink, PhD, MSN, RN, CCNS, CNRN
Elizabeth Zink is a Clinical Nurse Specialist in the Neurocritical Care Unit at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. Dr. Zink has worked as a staff nurse, nurse practitioner and clinical nurse specialist in the areas of neurosciences and stroke, managing clinical care, research and education at the patient, staff and systems level. She has a track record of leadership in quality improvement efforts, organizing interprofessional teams and translation of evidence into nursing practice.
Dr. Zink has published in the areas neurocritical care nursing, stroke and mobility in neurocritical care. Her research interests focus on applying biomarker measurement of early rehabilitation interventions in neurocritical care and stroke, exploring the effects of team performance on stroke patient outcomes and the use of high frequency physiologic data to guide patient-centered, precision medicine guided therapy in neurocritical care and stroke.
Dr Asmah Zainuddin (Malaysia)
Dr Asmah binti Zainudin is currently working as a consultant Intensivist at Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah, Alor Setar. She completed her undergraduate studies at International Medical University and her postgraduate studies in MMed (Anaesth) at Universiti Sains Malaysia. Her subspecialty is Adult Intensive Care. She is happily married with two sons.
Dr Law Wan Chung (Malaysia)
Dr. Law Wan Chung is a consultant neurologist and head of unit of the Sarawak General Hospital Neurology Department, Kuching. He earned his MBBS degree from University of Malaya in 2001 and completed his MRCP specialist training in 2008. He then pursed his neurology subspecialty training and obtained his neurology fellowship from the Royal Perth Hospital, Australia in 2014. Throughout his medical career, Dr. Law was involved in multiple international and local trials and registries. He has also presented his publications in local and international neurology conferences. Dr. Law’s special interest includes stroke and epilepsy. He is currently the Vice President of Malaysia Stroke Council and Secretary of Malaysia Society of Neuroscience.
Prof Dr Jose I Suarez (United States)
Jose I Suarez, MD, FNCS, FANA
Professor and Chief Neurocritical Critical Care
Director Precision Medicine Center of Excellence for Neurocritical Care
Departments of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Neurology, and Neurosurgery
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Baltimore, MD
Past President Neurocritical Care Society
Founding and Past Chair Neurocritical Care Research Network (NCRN)
Prof David Skoloudik (Czech Republic)
Center for Health Research, Ostrava University Medical Faculty, Ostrava, Czech Republic
Stroke Center, Vítkovice Hospital, Ostrava, Czech Republic
Comprehensive Stroke Center, Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic
Faculty of Health Sciences, Palacký University Olomouc, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Assoc Prof Roman Skulec (Czech Republic)
Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative Medicine and Intensive Care, J.E. Purkinje University, Masaryk Hospital Usti nad Labem, Usti and Labem, Czech Republic
Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education, Prague, Czech Republic
Emergency Medical Service of the Central Bohemian Region, Kladno, Czech Republic
Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Charles University, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Kralove, University Hospital Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic