Warmest welcome to the inaugural virtual Neurocritical Care Conference 2022 (NCC 2022), 1-3 July jointly organised by the Malaysian Society of Neuroanaesthesiology and Neurocritical Care (MSNACC) and Persatuan Kakitangan Anestesiologi Hospital Umum Sarawak (PEKA-HUS).
Ever since COVID-19 pandemic declaration by World Health Organization in 2020, digital technology has revolutionised a major part of our lifestyle including medical education. The rapid assimilation of technology has enabled seamless continuation of education via online conferences for health care providers (HCP) to keep abreast with the current updates. Moreover, digital technology has also enabled HCP worldwide to share their experiences easily with each other without the risk of air travel, last minute cancellation or lockdown.
Digital transformation of the medical field has contributed to the advancement of clinical management and life-sustaining technologies, yet at the same time added to the complexity in managing critically ill patients. As such, there is a need to bridge the knowledge gap and translate theory into our clinical application, especially in critically ill patients with neurological conditions. To our knowledge, NCC 2022 is the only conference fully dedicated to the neurocritical care aspect for both the adult and paediatric population, in Malaysia and possibly in the region.
NCC 2022 may potentially be the biggest platform in the country to gather HCP and researchers from various disciplines related to neurocritical care to exchange ideas and mutually enriching each other is this subspeciality aspect. Hence, we have invited prominent speakers in their respective fields to share their experiences and we hope that through this, the quality of neurocritical care can be further strengthened to drive the best possible outcomes.
So, for now, sit back, relax, and enjoy the conference! And till we have our physical conference in the future, we hope that you will stay safe and together we move forward in unity overcoming the challenges during this pandemic!

Dr Peter Tan
Organising Chair, NCC 2022
President, MSNACC

Dr Chan Weng Ken
Co-Organising Chair, NCC 2022